This is Jake's first year in 4-H and I needed to get a picture of him with his sheep for the cover of his project book. I scoped out the area for the perfect spot, which was definitely not in the barn or the pasture. Our wildflowers had recently started to bloom and would make a nice backdrop for the picture. Or so I thought. After 30 minutes of pulling, pushing, dragging, chasing and pleading we finally were able to get one decent shot. What is not captured in the pictures is how dirty and sweaty we were at the end of the photo shoot or all the pretty wildflowers that darn sheep ate. A seemingly sweet sheep can sure turn a small task into a major ordeal.
When we were done I thanked Jake for being such a good sport. His reply, "No mom, thank you. I'm definitely not taking that sheep to the fair. She's too uncooperative." "What?! You mean we have to do this again with another sheep?" I gasped. "Yep mom," he stated with a big grin.
Sheesh, this country living is hard work!